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Bulletin #14 of 2016

14 of 2016
December 29, 2016
Products Affected
All Kirby Morgan Helmets and BandMasks® with Tri or Quad Valve Exhaust Systems, excluding the KM 47 fiberglass helmet and the KM 77 stainless steel helmet.
The Stability of Whisker Clamps

Though tie wraps are quick and easy to use, tie wraps should NOT be substituted for whisker clamps

The function of the Whisker Clamp is to hold the whiskers/whisker wings to the main whisker body. Whisker Clamps became standard August 2006 as an upgrade from tie wraps. Order P/N 525-032 Whisker Clamp Replacement Kit.

Bulletin #14 of 2014

Whisker Clamps provide a grip superior to that of the tie wrap and will help to ensure a dry exhaust system.

It is permissible to temporarily use Tie Wraps to hold the whiskers only when clamps are missing or damaged, or do not have the correct screw or nut for a proper fit up.

When clamps are lost, damaged or missing parts, and tie wraps must be used to hold the whiskers, check them regularly before and after each dive to be certain they are holding correctly.

Please contact your local KMDSI dealer or e-mail [email protected] for more information.