The First Dual Purpose Helmet
The future of diving is protecting the diver from dirty waters. The Kirby Morgan Diamond® Is The Next Modular Variation To The KMDSI Stainless Steel Helmet. When The KM Diamond Is Attached To Our Stainless Steel Helmet Shell The Diver Can Operate In Either A Surface Vent or Open Circuit Diving Mode.
Before the diver enters the water, with a simple two-step process, they have the opportunity to switch the helmet into surface vent mode where their exhaled gas is sent to the surface and not into the surrounding water where they are working. On the surface the exhaled gas can be sent to a reclaim system or simply secured on an open deck to vent into the atmosphere. The KM Diamond can be also operated in the open circuit mode for the entire dive.
The advantages of this stainless steel helmet include the following:
- Rugged helmet shell and other components
- No refinishing required if the surface is scratched or gouged
- Elimination of threaded inserts for securing port retainer to helmet shell
Part Numbers
500-710 KM Diamond Helmet w/Posts
500-711 KM Diamond Helmet w/MWPC