SL 17A/B Head Cushion, P/N 510-521. Material Improved. 525-745 Head Cushion Foam Spacer now ships with SL 17B Helmets
Helmets Affected: 500-010, 500-011 SuperLite® 17B Helmets, 500-117 MK 21 Helmet. Parts & Kits Affected: 510-521 SL 17A/B Head Cushions, 510-522 Head Cushion Bag Only, 525-317 SL 17A/B Helmet Spares Kit, 525-325 SL 17A/B Overseas Spares Kit, 525-345 MK-21 Helmet Spares Kit.
Kirby Morgan is happy to announce that the outer shell or bag, P/N 510-522, of the SL 17A/B Head Cushion, P/N 510-521, is now made of a durable, nylon based material (black), plus, a webbing strap has been added to strengthen the snap mountings. The material is laser cut to prevent the edges from fraying or unraveling. Velcro tabs have also been applied to the exterior for attachment of the Head Cushion Foam Spacer (HCFS, p/n 525-745).
The Head Cushion Foam Spacer (sold as 525-745 HCFS Kit) is also now shipping in the SuperLite® 17B Helmets as an integral part of the cushioning system.
View full bulletin here: http://upgrade.kirbymorgan.com/support/bulletins/2014/bulletin-12-2014