What exactly is a Water Shroud?
For years Kirby Morgan has been interested in the advantages of a water shroud that incorporates a constant water supply to create a flushing mechanism. Introducing the newly released Kirby Morgan 525-761 Water Shroud Kit for the KM 97.
As a steady supply of “clean” water is fed to the side block, the 525-761 Water Shroud Kit blocks the surrounding water as well as unwanted debris from coming in contact with the vital parts of the breathing system. Another level of protection is from the constant water forming a moving barrier around those gas train components. This protects the regulator, bent tube, side block and exhaust valves from undue surface damage and also decreases the chance of ambient water entering the inside of the helmet through an open exhaust valve.

The Kirby Morgan® Water Shroud Kit for the KM 97 P/N 525-761 can be used for both traditional hot water applications and in dirty or debris laden water, using a constant water supply for increased protection of key helmet components.
The reports from the field when working in mud and fine sand have been positive, one example is that the post dive procedures are simple and hold no unwanted surprises. These accounts come from divers that are cleaning structures from bio fouling as well performing standard dredging.

Based on the wide range of working conditions that commercial divers encounter underwater, Kirby Morgan recommends using the constant water system to add a higher level of protection to the breathing components of your KM 97 helmet.

While this kit is specific to the KM 97, additional kits in the future will be available for the SL 17C, 27® and the KM 37 helmets, KMB® 18 and 28 BandMasks that are equipped with a 455 Balanced Regulator.
Use of hot water
KMDSI recommends using the hot water shroud with hot water when diving in water colder than 40 °F/4 °C. for the comfort of the divers especially on dives using HeO2 or long (greater than 60 minutes) air dives. Additionally, using the hot water shroud can eliminate regulator freezing when breathing the helmet out of the water in air that is below freezing.