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100-141 Balanced Scuba Regulator User Guide

Manuals Type
User Guide
Oct - 15, 2015

Updated CE information.

Jan - 03, 2017

Added note that the flow sleeve is not a removable part.

Aug - 07, 2017

Removed section "Using the balanced second stage regulator with the Kirby Morgan M-48 SuperMask and M-48 Mod-1" and replaced with "Balance Purge Tube and Regulator Installation" section.

Aug - 15, 2017

Updated CE verbiage

Mar - 29, 2019

Updated CE info from Directive 89/686/EEC to Regulation (EU) 2016/425, removed SuperFlow First Stage Regulator BlowApart, updated 200-120 Balanced SCUBA Regulator Assembly BlowApart.

Jun - 03, 2021

Reformatted and updated the 200-120 Balanced SCUBA Regulator Assembly BlowApart

Aug - 30, 2021

Reformatted and removed CE certifications throughout.

Jun - 02, 2022

Removed the CE from the, "Packaging step 5" image in the Regulator Transport and Storage section on page 10. Updated the Balanced Scuba Regulator BlowApart due to the balance spacer updating in the back of the user guide.

Aug - 18, 2022

Fixed grammatical error on page 19 in section, "Pre-Dive Checkout" under subsection, "Inspection Checklist." Updated the BlowApart in the back section.

Jan - 23, 2023

Removed all caution and warnings related to the first stage regulator. Corrected multiple mispelled "insure" to "ensure." Updated copyrights on cover page. Removed warning on page six pertaining to the first stage regulator. Removed, Mounting the First Stage Onto the Cylinder Valve (Yoke Connector) section. Removed Regulator Transport and Storage section. Updated image and removed third paragraph in section Kirby Morgan Balanced SCUBA Regulator Assembly. Removed step one, first paragraph and warning and updated nowely numbered step three and following paragraph in section Inspection Checklist. Updated step one and removed first warning in section During the Dive. Revised first paragraph in section After the Dive. Revised note in section Safety Precautions.  Removed step five in section Daily Pre-Dive Maintenance. Removed step two and updated step five in section Post Dive Maintenance. Removed step two in section Scheduled Maintenance. Removed BlowApart on pages 26 and 27.