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KM Diamond

Manuals Type
Manual Files
Feb - 18, 2020

Corrected P/N 510-694 oral nasal to P/N 510-740 on page DIAMD 7 and corrected the note in 1.1 General Information about the KM Diamond.

Apr - 17, 2020

Removed from 1.7.9 Installation of the Diamond Exhaust Assembly step 7, last step and various updates in same section.

May - 08, 2020

Removed section 1.2.10 Surface Venting.

Jul - 01, 2020

Replaced, "Inhale regulator shroud lid" with, "access cover."

Sep - 03, 2020

Extensively updated throughout.

Apr - 22, 2021

Updated throughout.

Aug - 25, 2021

Added the Diamond Oral Nasal Insert.

Oct - 19, 2021

Added information to section 1.1 General Information regarding use of the KM Diamond in contaminated water. Minor grammatical corrections in section 1.1.3 Diamond Exhaust Assembly. Added pressure testing procedures in sections 1.3.1 and 1.4.2 Helmet. Added section 1.4.1 Pressure Requirements and 1.5.1 Flooding. Corrected, "Defogger" to, "Free Flow" in section 1.4.2 Helmet. Added note to section 1.8 Installation of the Water Shrouds. Added the QR code for the, "How to remove KM Diamond Water Shrouds. Kirby Morgan Diamond® Helmet" video in sections 1.6.9 Removing the Diamond Main Tube and 1.6.12 Removal of the Water Shrouds.

Oct - 27, 2021

Updated nuances throughout due to CE requirements.

Jan - 26, 2022

Corrected spelling of, "Perform" from, "preform."

Feb - 22, 2022

Updated the cross references to the torque specs due to the splitting of APNDX into three separate modules.

Sep - 06, 2022

Removed, "extremely contaminated" and replaced with, "dirty" in the first paragraph on page DIAMD-2. Updated cross references to the Supply Pressure Requirements & Tables module.

Oct - 17, 2022

Document #221017003 Original code for CE Mark.

Updated throughout.

Nov - 29, 2022

Corrected first note in section 1.2.2 Diamond Main Tube.

May - 08, 2023

Updated the diagram in section 1.1.2 Diamond Pod Subassembly. Updated the diagram and oral nasal mounts/pod serial number image in section 1.2.1 Diamond Pod. Updated the diagram in section 1.2.2 Diamond Main Tube. Updated images in section 1.6.9 Removing the Diamond Main Tube. Updated the image in section 1.6.10 Removing the Diamond Oral Nasal Mask and Oral Nasal Insert. Updated the image in section Removing the Oral Nasal Mount. Added section Removing the Purge in the KM Diamond Pod. Updated the pod view bolt tightening image in section 1.7.3 Installation of the Diamond Pod. Added section 1.7.10 Installing the Purge Valve in the KM Diamond Pod. Updated the image below the note  "It is sometimes easier to install the screws and washers into the holes of the oral nasal mount and use for easier alignment to the holes in the pod" in section 1.7.11 Installing the Oral Nasal Mount.

Jul - 01, 2024

Updated layout. On page DIAMD-10, section 1.2.9 Exhaust Hose changed from 150' to 100'.

Aug - 05, 2024

Updated steps 8–10 and removed the image from step 9 in section 1.7.13 Installing the Diamond Oral Nasal Mask and Oral Nasal Insert.

Updated the caution in step one in section 1.7.6 Adjusting Diamond Main Tube.
