What is the value of my used, old (or stolen) helmet? Does Kirby Morgan appraise, buy or sell used equipment?
Kirby Morgan does not handle used equipment, condemned helmets and/or mask frames. We are strictly a production facility and advise that you contact our authorized dealers if you are looking to buy or sell new or used equipment. If you have had a unit stolen and need a value for insurance purposes, we (or your dealer) will be happy to provide you with the current retail price to serve as a replacement value. If you are able to provide us with the serial number we will be happy to give you the age of any unit. However, despite the age, condition can vary greatly from unit to unit depending on usage & maintenance history. For these reasons it is impossible for us to appraise the value of a unit from a serial number or a photo. Proceed with caution on any used gear purchases. If you are able to, have the used equipment inspected by certified, factory trained personnel (most Kirby Morgan dealers) prior to purchase. Most importantly, if bought used, always have your life support equipment inspected as described above before use! Our website Dealers page will show all KM dealers and include information as to whether or not they are a factory certified inspection & maintenance facility.
What is the value of my used, old (or stolen) helmet? Does Kirby Morgan appraise, buy or sell used equipment?
Can I switch gases during my dive?
The SuperMask® was designed with multiple gas switches in mind. When the pod is removed, you can use any second stage regulator, or you can mount a second pod with another second stage to the mask. This can be during the dive or when hanging in deco on a surface supplied deco gas or from bottles at the deco stops. When using a surface-supplied gas, having a pod mounted to the second stage allows for hard wired communications to the surface.
Can I switch gases during my dive?
What about low on air, or out of air situations?
The removable pod enables you to handle all out of air situations. Simply unlatch and remove pod and use your alternative air source, octopus, bailout system or buddy breathing to the surface.
What about low on air, or out of air situations?
Will my regulator mount on the M-48 mask? If not, which ones do?
Many of todays most popular regulators can easily be mounted to the SuperMask® pod. However, due to a wide variety of manufacturing specs, some regulators do not fit. Please see the regulator section.
Will my regulator mount on the mask? If not, which ones do?
Does the M-48 mask come with a regulator?
The M48 SuperMask & M48 MOD 1 do not automatically come with regulators. This depends on the POD chosen. The customer chooses a Mask (SuperMask or MOD 1) and chooses a POD. Any POD goes with any Mask. The three main SCUBA PODs are:
- 805-015 SCUBA POD with Tilt to Purge
- 805-026 SCUBA POD with Balanced Purge Tube
- 200-130 SCUBA POD with Balanced SCUBA Regulator installed
If you require the regulator, order POD part no. 200-130 to go with the Mask of your choice.
Does this mask come with a regulator?