Displaying 201 - 210 of 279
Casco Antiguo USA Inc.
Casco Antiguo USA Inc.
1456 NW 78th Avenue
Doral, FL 33126
United States
Kirby Morgan Diamond®
Kirby Morgan 97
SuperLite 17B
SuperLite 27
SuperLite 17C
Kirby Morgan 47
Kirby Morgan 77
Kirby Morgan 37
Kirby Morgan 37SS
Kirby Morgan 57
BandMask® 28
BandMask® 18
M-48 SuperMask
M-48 MOD-1
KMACS-5 No Communications
KMACS-5 With Communications
First Stage w/Balanced Second Stage Regulator Assembly
Balanced Scuba Regulator
SuperFlow First Stage Regulator
Metal SuperFlow® Scuba Regulator
SuperFlow Scuba Nonadjustable Regulator (Octopus)
Plastic SuperFlow® Scuba Regulator
SuperFlow Scuba Regulator Assembly w/Plastic Adjustable 2nd Stage
SuperFlow Scuba Regulator Assembly w/Metal Adjustable 2nd Stage
Surface Supplied MOD-1
3 of 2021
February 9, 2021
Products Affected
KMB 18B BandMask®, KMB 28B BandMask® SL 17B, SL 17C, SL 27 and KM 37 helmets
Can I paint, coat or add any surface covering to the shell of my Kirby Morgan helmet?
Adding non authorized coatings to a fiberglass shell will condemn the shell and void the warranty on the helmet. There are currently no approved coatings for a fiberglass shell. A list of authorized coatings have been approved for our stainless steel shells, however applying these coatings will void the warranty on the helmet. Please contact your Kirby Morgan Dealer for more info.
Detailed Question
Can I paint, coat or add any surface covering to the shell of my Kirby Morgan helmet?
Kirby Morgan Diamond®
Kirby Morgan 97
SuperLite 17B
SuperLite 27
SuperLite 17C
Kirby Morgan 47
Kirby Morgan 77
Kirby Morgan 37
Kirby Morgan 37SS
Kirby Morgan 57
BandMask® 28
BandMask® 18