Bulletin # 16 of 2005 16 of 2005 November 29, 2005 Products Affected Kirby Morgan® helmets (with the exception of the SuperLite® 17B) ProdBulletin_16_2005_stepring.pdf
Bulletin # 17 of 2005 17 of 2005 December 28, 2005 Products Affected SuperLite®-17C ProdBulletin_17_2005_hingebolt.pdf
Bulletin # 01 of 2005 1 of 2005 March 22, 2005 Products Affected Kirby Morgan® helmets and BandMasks® CautionBull_1of05_RegAssem.pdf
Bulletin # 01 of 2005 1 of 2005 July 12, 2005 Products Affected Kirby Morgan® helmets, BandMasks® and replacement parts. KMDSI P/N 555-195 One Way Valve and P/N 505-060 One Way Valve Assembly. SafetyBulletin_1_valve_recall.pdf
Bulletin # 02 of 2004 2 of 2004 January 12, 2004 Products Affected All Kirby Morgan® SuperLite® Helmets and KMB BandMasks® Bulletin_2_of_04-valve.pdf
Bulletin # 03 of 2004 3 of 2004 December 8, 2004 Products Affected All Kirby Morgan® SuperLite® Helmets and KM 37/57 Bulletin_3of_04QuadValve.pdf
Bulletin # 01 of 2004 1 of 2004 July 30, 2004 Products Affected Any Kirby Morgan® helmets or masks incorporating a side block or manifold block, or separate manifold block assembly. caution_1_of_2004.pdf
Bulletin # 01 of 2002 1 of 2002 July 16, 2002 Products Affected All KMDSI helmets and BandMasks® RepairBull_1of02_MainTimetable.pdf
Bulletin # 01 of 2002 1 of 2002 July 8, 2002 Products Affected KMDSI Part #510-552, 305-175, 325-323, 325-325, 505-026, 505-027, 505-068, 505-069, 525-120, 525-255, 525-309 CautionBull_2of02_Update12-23-03.pdf
Bulletin # 02 of 2002 2 of 2002 July 8, 2002 Products Affected KMDSI Part #510-552 CautionBull_1of02.pdf