Bulletin # 08 of 2005 8 of 2005 May 11, 2005 Products Affected Kirby Morgan® BandMasks® ProdBulletin_08_2005_Bandkeeper.pdf
Bulletin # 09 of 2005 9 of 2005 May 11, 2005 Products Affected SuperFlow® 350 Regulator Body ProdBulletin_09-2005_Reg_Body.pdf
Bulletin # 10 of 2005 10 of 2005 July 16, 2005 Products Affected SuperFlow® 350 Regulator Body ProdBulletin_10-2005_Flange_Kit-1.pdf
Bulletin # 11 of 2005 11 of 2005 July 1, 2005 Products Affected Kirby Morgan® Helmets ProdBulletin_11_2005_hingebolt.pdf
Bulletin # 12 of 2005 12 of 2005 October 14, 2005 Products Affected KMDSI Masks, Helmets and all communications sets and assemblies. ProdBulletin_12_2005_newmicroph.pdf
Bulletin # 13 of 2005 13 of 2005 October 14, 2005 Products Affected Standard on SuperLite®-17C ProdBulletin_13_2005_lgborereg.pdf
Bulletin # 14 of 2005 14 of 2005 September 28, 2005 Products Affected KMACS" and DCS-2 (Dive Control System-2) units still in service. ProdBulletin_14of05_com.pdf
Bulletin # 15 of 2005 15 of 2005 October 3, 2005 Products Affected Kirby Morgan® Helmets and Masks Part Numbers 530-035, 530-040, 530-045 ProdBulletin_15_fasteners.pdf
Bulletin # 16 of 2005 16 of 2005 November 29, 2005 Products Affected Kirby Morgan® helmets (with the exception of the SuperLite® 17B) ProdBulletin_16_2005_stepring.pdf
Bulletin # 17 of 2005 17 of 2005 December 28, 2005 Products Affected SuperLite®-17C ProdBulletin_17_2005_hingebolt.pdf